Available insingle/double stage with pressure up to 210 bar and equipped with forcedlubrication, Milk homogenizers are a preferred choice for processing milk andmilk products, fruit juices, etc.
The highly efficientvalve allows reduced energy consumption and it guarantees an excellentqualitative standard which, together with the simplicity of the components,constitute the strong points of these homogenizers at three pistons.
Easiness, both in terms of design and use, and easy maintenance make thehomogenizers reliable and versatile, able to meet different productive needs ofthe dairy, food and beverage industries.
Thehomogenizers offer different advantages on the product:
Enhancethe viscosity of the product.
Enhancethe stability and the shelf life.
Improvethe texture.
Keepunchanged color and taste.
Main features
Easyto use.
Highversatility and efficiency.
Reducedmaintenance costs.
Lowenergy consumption.
Availablecapacity: Upto 10 KLPH